If it makes you laugh or inspires you-that's great. If it confuses you-that's probably normal. If it puts you to sleep-don't read it (especially while driving or operating heavy machinery)...it is more a personal outlet for myself, in a far from serious, light hearted format. I'm not going out of my way to promote this, nor am I raising money. Posts may come three times a week or three times a season. If a byproduct of you reading this is D-grade entertainment, then forget about your other forms of D-grade entertainment (old colouring-in books, Yo Ho Diablo's and Britney Spears CDs) and feel free to subscribe, share or stop by every once in awhile.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Awesome thing about running #74: Finding stuff

Whether it’s something big or something small, finding stuff is definitely one bonus about running. Sure, you can “find yourself” or “find inner happiness” or some hippy crap like that, but I’m talking about finding actual I-can-touch-you-and-use-you-in-real-life stuff! Whether it’s money (my record is nearly $9 in coins), sunglasses, or a perfectly good bike lock with key, I’ve found some sweet stuff while running, and yes, I have kept them. When 98% of your runs aren’t races, it’s kind of like getting a medal all on your own, even if you suck!

Joelo and I putting together our coins after a day's running during our Melbourne to Sydney run...that's enough for a steak dinner a free Maccas meal right there!

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